Welcome to the WINNING INSIDE with Cheddy and Michelle Podcast website!
July 25, 2022

Being Seen!

Being Seen!

In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss: Not being seen for who they authentically are from a personal perspective. Why it is important to acknowledge and recognize people for who they are. Compassionate curiosity and how it improves connection....

In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss:

  • Not being seen for who they authentically are from a personal perspective.
  • Why it is important to acknowledge and recognize people for who they are.
  • Compassionate curiosity and how it improves connection.

Key takeaways:

  • Being seen is the acknowledgment of who a person authentically is.
  • Recognizing and acknowledging someone’s differences,vice attacking them results in greater communication and cooperation.
  • Acknowledging differences, and seeking common ground leads to increased understanding and mutual respect.

“If we generalize, we act based on our generalizations; we treat people based on our generalizations -and they may be so off the mark.” - Cheddy Matthews

Website: www.WinningInside.io 

Twitter: @winning_inside 

Facebook: @WinningInside

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/winninginside 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoF6Rtked9jTNVdaVmARl6g 

Connect with Cheddy Matthews:  


Website:  www.HEDSpaceCoaching.com     

Book: www.calendly.com/cheddymatthews 

Show: www.WinningInside.io 

Email: CheddySpeaks@gmail.com 

Twitter:   @CheddySpeaks

Facebook:  @CheddySpeaks

YouTube: @CheddySpeaks

LinkedIn: www.LinkedIn.com/in/CheddyMatthews 

Instagram:  @CheddySpeaks


Connect with Michelle Wickman:  


Website: www.WickmanWellness.com 

Book: www.https://lifecoachmichelle.as.me 

Show: www.WinningInside.io 

Email: Michelle@wickmanwellness.com 

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/wickman.michelle 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michellewickman/ 
