Welcome to the WINNING INSIDE with Cheddy and Michelle Podcast website!

Procrastination On Ice!

In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss:

A coach sees their client’s behaviour from the sideline; they can see the big picture from what the client is describing.

Plan for “what ifs” while you’re taking the steps towards your goals.

Choosing action over procrastination.

Key takeaways:

Procrastination is a nice way of self-sabotage.

Procrastination is based in fear and avoidance of a potential negative emotion.

3 ways to deal with procrastination in the moment.

Take small steps towards another goal.

Recognize the emotion, focus and process it.

Ask the question, “is that true?” Then take action!

“When you are taking those scary steps, when you are taking those scary actions towards goals, towards things that you love, that you desire in your life. It is that exhilarating and scary feeling all in one package. And then you get to assess ‘do I want to do that again?” And that's how you prepare yourself for the next obstacle, for the next step.” -Michelle Wickman

Contact Us:

Website: www.WinningInside.io

Michelle: www.WickmanWellness.com

Cheddy: www.CheddyMatthews.com

Email: WinningInsidePodcast@gmail.com

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