Welcome to the WINNING INSIDE with Cheddy and Michelle Podcast website!

The #1 Skill to Thrive in Life

In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss:

Michelle Wickman’s four components of self-leadership.

Hard skills vs Soft Skills in your career and life.

Key takeaways:

The four components of self-leadership are:



Emotional Intelligence

Personal Agency

We must invest the time to develop these soft skills.

If we are leaders, we must lead ourselves first!

“I think machines are easy. You learn a system, learn a process, and you make it go. But humans, we live in the grey area -we’re grey. And in that gray space, that’s where you need the soft skills.” -Cheddy Matthews

Contact Us:

Website: www.WinningInside.io

Michelle: www.WickmanWellness.com

Cheddy: www.CheddyMatthews.com

Email: WinningInsidePodcast@gmail.com

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